Meet James
Hi, I'm James McCrae, an author, artist, poet, and teacher at the intersection of creativity, mindfulness, and personal transformation.
Through my books, classes, events, and mentorship programs, I help people awaken the inner artist, bring their imagination to life, and reach their highest potential as humans and creators.
I currently live in Austin TX with my wife, daughter, and dogs, and enjoy meditation, yoga, music, literature, and basketball.
Work With MeWhy I Left Advertising to Become a Poet
James McCrae talks at Creative Morning in Austin TX about creativity, mindfulness, and his transition from brand strategist to author and meme poet.
My Background
- Attended the Arts Institute of Minneapolis
- 10+ years as a brand strategist on Madison Avenue, working with clients like Target, Microsoft, Organic Valley, and NBC Universal
- Creator of @wordsarevibrations, a popular Instagram account featuring viral memes, poetry, and short-form writing
- Author of three books, Sh#t Your Ego Says (Hay House), How to Laugh in Ironic Amusement During Your Existential Crisis (Thought Catalog) and The Art of You (Sounds True)
- Guest writer for publications like Forbes, HuffPost, Adweek, Yogi Times, Entrepreneur, and Elephant Journal, with poetry featured in literary journals such as American Journal of Poetry, 34th Parallel Magazine, New Millennium Writings, and Musepaper.
- Founder of Sunflower Club, global network of creativity gatherings, and host of Sunflower Club podcast
- Public speaker and workshop facilitator at locations including Higher Self Festival, Rythmia, SolarPunk, Dream Camp, and Omega
- Certified meditation instructor
- Founder of Meme School, the first class to teach the art and science of making memes
Podcast Appearances
Recent Memes & Content